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class="product type-product post-5480 status-publish first instock product_cat-materials product_cat-pearlised-metallic-leather product_cat-pearlised-leather product_tag-cream product_tag-creampearlised product_tag-pearlised product_tag-white product_tag-whitepearlised has-post-thumbnail taxable shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-variable">

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Pearl Pearlised Leather



Origin: Bulls
Provenance: Europe
Thickness: mm 1,1*
Average size:  sqm 6,0*
Grain appearance: Fine grain
Tanning: Chrome tanning
Retanning: Chrome salts and synthetic tannins
Dyeing: Aniline
Grease process: Synthetic and vegetable oils
Drying: On loom
Finish: Shiny and pearly aspect


Additional information

Quantity of Hides

1 Hide, 10 Hides, 2 Hides, 3 Hides, 4 Hides, 5 Hides, 6 Hides, 7 Hides, 8 Hides, 9 Hides

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